Digital Marketing

How A Website Can Help Your Business

In this post, I’ll show you different ways how a website can help your business. Whether you’re just starting a business and thinking of building a website, or perhaps you already have a website, in this video we’ll look at 13 different ways a website can help your business, some that you perhaps didn’t even think of.

Now, without further ado, let’s jump into our topic for today: How a Website Can Help your Business, in no particular order.

1: Establish an Online Presence

This is the most obvious one,in order to have your own piece of the World Wide Web, the Internet, you need to have a domain name and a website.

Having a website will help you establish an online presence for your business. So whenever someone is typing, they will see a site representing your business.

Establish your Online Presence

2: Be found on Google

Nicely leading on to point number 2, a website can help your business be found on Google.

People are searching for businesses like yours online. And in order to be there, whether it’s the first page of Google, or if you’re just starting out, and you might be on page 10-20 -> you do need to have a website.

You can’t run if you don’t learn how to walk first. Once you have a website, you can implement different SEO strategies to rank higher.

Google rank top 1 pay monthly website peterborough

3: Credibility – Your Customers Expect it.

In the minds of many of today’s consumers, a business that doesn’t have a website is a dinosaur, and a lazy one…

Not having an online presence can take away a lot from your credibility to the extent that it can really give people the wrong impression.

All it does is show that you’re out of date and not serious about providing your customers and prospects with a way for them to find you online.

A professionally designed website, reinforced by quality, value-adding content, helps enormously to build trust and credibility.

increase your Credibility

4: Sell online

Now obviously, if you’re an ecommerce business, this is a no-brainer. However, Selling products and services online isn’t just for eCommerce businesses. In fact, many local businesses can expand significantly by opening an online store to complement their high-street location and, best of all, it hardly costs much to do so.

Even venues such as restaurants can sell online by providing a take away service or allowing people to pre-order, for example.

Selling your services online

5: Showcase your products or services.

The main reason we decide to build a website is to showcase our products and services, right? Show everyone what we’re good at and how we can help them.

A website can help you do just that. You can create different pages on your website, where you can talk in more details about each specific service or product, it’s benefits, process, how it works, etc..

And the best part is you only have to do it once, compared to when you network, meet multiple people and you keep telling everyone again and again what you do.

A website helps you to showcase your products services

6: Showcase your work / portfolio

You know what sells better than yourself?

The work you’ve done, your customer testimonials. A website allows you to showcase your work, and show everyone the amazing work you do.

For us, here at Brilliant DigitaL, our Web Design portfolio page is actually one of the top 3 most popular pages on the whole website.

So if you don’t have a Case Study section on your website, think about creating one, as that will defintely help you convert more visitors into clients.

A website helps you to showcase your work

7: Keep up with your competition

There’s a good chance that most, if not all, of your competitors already have some kind of online presence.

Most likely, your strongest competitors will also be the ones with the biggest online presence, particularly when it comes to having a quality, professionally designed website.

OR Even if your competitors have yet to embrace the potential of the Internet, you’ll have a huge advantage over them by getting there first.

Ultimately, having an online presence is crucial for protecting your brand and making sure that your business is among the first, people learn about when they’re searching online.

Keep up with your competition

8: Be open 24/7

A website can help you be open 24/7.

Think about it, how amazing is that? While traditional business is opened from 9 till 5 or 6, a website is always there.

Because guess what? Not everyone makes their buying decisions between 9 to 5. In fact, that’s when everyone is busy… working. Evening comes, and only then we start thinking that we need to take the car for an MOT, reserve our plane tickets, or find an electrician to fix something.

So a website can help your business by always being online, doing the selling for you, and providing your prospect all the information they need at any time, which hopefully will lead to a sale.

9: Educate your customers

A website can help educate your customers.

People don’t know what they don’t know. So how could you expect them to come to you, if they are not even aware they have a problem, and need your services?

That’s where you can create a blog on your website, and think about posting articles on a regular basis to attract more people to your website, educate them, and position yourself as an expert in your field.

Educate your customers

10: Increase visibility for your local businesses

Local businesses traditionally rely on walk-ins or listings in local magazines and other publications, but times have changed.

Today, pretty much everyone has a smartphone, so it’s much easier and more convenient for them to find local businesses while they’re out on the move.

At the very least, your business should be listed on all of the major online directories, such as Google My Business, but having a website can greatly reinforce your online visibility.

Local business marketing

11: Expand your market, online products.

Being online means you don’t have to restrict yourself to a local area only. You have the whole world at your fingertips.

If you are an eCommerce store, you can be in the UK, and sell your products to the US market.

You can also package your knowledge into an online course, and sell it to the whole world.

Expanding your marketing

12: Market Research

One of the key advantages of digital marketing, including having a website, is that it generates a wealth of data that not only you can use to determine how effective your marketing strategy is.

But you can also analyze the kind of people that are visiting your website, and use that data to find other people who share similar interests.

Market Research​

13: Online Advertising

A website can help package everything we’ve discussed so far, and advertise your business to more people.

Here I’m talking specifically about Google Ads, and Facebook Ads. While with Facebook, you are able to promote your page or posts, with Google, you definitely need a website.

But even with Facebook Ads, if you want to push people through your sales funnel, and generate leads, a facebook page won’t be enough, you will need a website.

Facebook ads to promote your business

Now, before I wrap up, remember, your website is representing your business. Your website is what’s going to make you stand out from your competition, so it’s very very important for your website to look amazing, professional, easy to navigate, and provide users with a good experience, and that’s something that we can help.

Ready to elevate your online presence?

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From building and managing websites, to helping you grow your business through through various digital marketing channels, we're here to support you on your digital journey. Contact us today to learn more.

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