Seamless Site Care

Website Maintenance Packages

We provide WordPress website maintenance packages to businesses of all sizes, so they can focus on what they do best and leave the website maintenance service to us.
No long-term contract. Cancel anytime

Why do you need a website maintenance package?

A website maintenance package is important for keeping a website up-to-date, secure, and running smoothly.

Website owners have a lot to keep track of – from website content and design to security and performance. Our website maintenance agency offers packages that can take care of all of these details for you, so you can focus on running your business.

In addition, a website maintenance package can help to catch issues before they become major problems. By regularly monitoring your website and making sure everything is up-to-date, you can avoid costly downtime and potential security breaches.

In the same way you would maintain your car, a WordPress maintenance service is an essential investment for any business with an online presence.

For more details, visit our article on why website maintenance is important.

Benefits of website maintenance

Key Features of our Website Maintenance Packages

Enterprise Level CDN

An Enterprise Level CDN is like a speedy postman for websites. It uses loads of computers to make sure a company’s website pops up fast for everyone, no matter where they are. It’s a cracking choice for big companies with loads of people visiting their website.

Website Hosting

Every WordPress site needs hosting, the place online where all the files are stored. Hosting plays a big role in website performance, therefore, our website maintenance packages, include premium hosting for your website.

Regular Website Backups

A key feature of our website maintenance packages is taking regular backups for your WordPress website. We take backups of the website on a daily basis, and on top of that, we have another set of backups, as a fail-safe, because you can never be too careful, right?

Website Security

As part of our maintenance services, we also provide additional website security, we have firewalls and place and we scan the website on a regular basis to identify potential threats. Worst come scenario, we have website backups that we can use, and we can provide a malware removal service.

WordPress Core and Plugin Updates

A big part of WordPress maintenance is keeping your website up to date. That ensures that your website is running smoothly for your visitors, and also lowers the chances of having downtimes or security issues on the website. So we take care of the WordPress core and all plugin updates, making sure everything, in general, is up to date.

Monthly Support Allowance

Our business WordPress maintenance package also includes a monthly allowance for any extra support you might need with your website. e.g. adding new testimonials, blogs, pages, etc.. whether something it’s too complicated or you’re just too busy, send it to use, and we can handle it. Our support packages are designed to help you focus on what you do best and leave the website maintenance to us.

Additional Bonuses

Privacy Focused Website (GDPR Compliant)

Keeping an eye on website stats is key for checking marketing and knowing what visitors are up to. Google Analytics is a big name but swaps data for service and doesn’t always play ball with EU privacy rules. We’ve found a privacy-focused, rule-abiding tool that we’ve popped into our maintenance packages.

Premium Email Delivery Service

Don’t confuse these with normal emails. When someone uses your contact form or buys something, the website sends you a ‘transactional email’. Websites can be a bit iffy sending these, so we’ve added a top-notch email service to our maintenance package to make sure these emails are sent reliably.

Discounted Hourly Rate

We want to reward you for being an existing client of our maintenance services and support packages, therefore, we are offering a discounted hourly rate for any extra support you might need with your WordPress website.

Website Maintenance Plans

Essential Plan

per month

Premium Website Hosting

WordPress, Theme & Plugins Updates

Daily Website Backups

Website Security + Regular Malware Scans

Malware Removal if your website gets hacked

Reliable Email Delivery Service

Website Uptime Monitoring

Detailed Monthly Report

Privacy Focused Website Analytics (GDPR Compliant)

Discounted hourly rate for extra support

45 min Extra Support Allowance (does not rollover)

get started

Business Plan

per month

Premium Website Hosting

WordPress, Theme & Plugins Updates

Daily Website Backups

Website Security + Regular Malware Scans

Malware Removal if your website gets hacked

Reliable Email Delivery Service

Website Uptime Monitoring

Detailed Monthly Report

Privacy Focused Website Analytics (GDPR Compliant)

Discounted hourly rate for extra support

45 min Extra Support Allowance (does not rollover)

get started

Ecommerce / Membership Site Addon

£30 per site per month

If you have an eCommerce website or a membership, this add-on is mandatory. Website maintenance services for these sorts of sites is more complex, therefore this addon includes:

Real-time backups

Whilst doing daily backups is more than enough for a brochure site, that’s not the case for an e-commerce website. With Real-Time backups, every order is backed up as it happens. This ensures that orders are never lost.

Use of staging sites for updates

Not all plugin updates go according to plan. With this addon, we will be deploying staging sites, and testing all the plugin updates there, before updating the main live website.

All prices exclude VAT

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the monthly support time rollover?

Like a lawyer’s retainer, the monthly time is there for you every month to reserve your place in our queue and our resources, therefore it does not rollover. You can take comfort in the fact that your request will be addressed with immediate attention. if you think you don’t need the additional website support allowance, you could always downgrade to the smaller maintenance package.

What happens if my website gets hacked or goes down?

The goal of WordPress website maintenance is to keep your site secure, which is why we go out of our way to avoid issues. However, if something happens and your website needs immediate attention, we will be there to assist you.

We are unable to promise that your website will not be hacked, but we can assure you that we will make every effort to prevent it, as well as assist in the recovery and cleanup.

What tasks are included in the dedicated support time?

Content update requests and small design improvements are the most common requests, however, anything that can fit into your monthly support time is a free game. We just ask you to be aware that requests for new features to your website will likely result in a formal quote as those commonly go over the monthly dedicated time.

What if I need something outside my maintenance package?

If you have a task that is beyond what is included in your website maintenance, we will submit a quote for you to approve separately.

However, many times we will evaluate requests that exceed your plan on a case by case basis, and with approval, work past the time will be billed at our discounted hourly rate.

Can I really cancel at any time?

Absolutely. All we need is a 30-day notice.

We’re all about building a valuable relationship with you and your website, so we would hate to see you go but we know financial needs weigh on many decisions and don’t want to lock anyone in.

Request cancellations need to be done in writing via email to

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From building and managing websites, to helping you grow your business through through various digital marketing channels, we're here to support you on your digital journey. Contact us today to learn more.

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