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Keshav Bhatt

Keshav Bhatt, founder of Revolution Hive, collaborated with us to create a dynamic personal brand website, integrating email marketing, a course platform, and offering comprehensive website management training, thus amplifying his mission to empower youth to address society’s challenges.



Keshav Bhatt, the visionary founder of Revolution Hive, a social enterprise dedicated to empowering young people to confront and tackle the significant challenges facing society today, sought to enhance his personal brand's online presence. Understanding the importance of digital platforms in amplifying his message and reaching a broader audience, Keshav partnered with us to create a bespoke website that serves as a hub for his initiatives, thoughts, and educational resources.

Website Design

The design of Keshav Bhatt’s website was meticulously planned to reflect his personal brand and the transformative mission of Revolution Hive. With a focus on inspiring action and fostering a sense of community among young people, the website features a clean, motivational design that encourages visitors to explore and engage. Interactive elements and compelling visuals are strategically used to highlight key messages and guide users through Keshav’s journey and the core values of his enterprise.

Website Development

Our team developed the website on WordPress, providing a robust, scalable solution tailored to Keshav's needs. The platform was chosen for its flexibility, allowing for easy content updates and the integration of various functionalities crucial for interaction and community building. The site was optimized for responsiveness, ensuring a seamless experience on devices of all sizes, critical for reaching an audience that predominantly accesses content on mobile devices.

Email Marketing and Newsletters Integration

Recognizing the power of direct communication, we integrated the website with leading email marketing tools and newsletter capabilities. This enables Keshav to cultivate a deeper connection with his audience, share updates, insights, and resources directly, and grow a community committed to societal change. Subscribers can now receive regular updates, empowering content, and notifications about new initiatives and courses directly in their inboxes.

Course Platform Creation

A central feature of the new website is the course platform, designed to host Keshav’s educational programs. This platform was custom-built to provide an intuitive learning environment for users, with easy access to courses that equip young people with the knowledge and skills to become change-makers. The platform supports various multimedia content, ensuring engaging and impactful learning experiences.

Website Training

To empower Keshav with full control over his digital presence, we concluded the project with an hour of detailed website training. This session covered everything from basic content updates to managing the course platform and leveraging email marketing tools, ensuring Keshav can maintain the site’s relevance and impact over time.


The development of Keshav Bhatt’s personal brand website marks a significant step forward in his mission with Revolution Hive. The site not only serves as a digital portfolio of his work but also as an active platform for education, community building, and empowerment. Through this collaboration, we have provided Keshav with a powerful tool to inspire and mobilize young people worldwide, reflecting our commitment to supporting individuals and enterprises making a positive societal impact.

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From building and managing websites, to helping you grow your business through through various digital marketing channels, we're here to support you on your digital journey. Contact us today to learn more.

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